Eventhough the event is raining cats and dogs, the weather did not stop them to go the said event, at the same it is my friend's birthday - what a wonderful way to celebrate his birthday.
The majority of the cosplayers here are from the North. Well, new faces are also apparent on the said event displaying their crafts which they made by themselves, bought, or rented.
At first, due to the bad weather, the said event will be cancelled or few otakus and cosplayer will be attemd the event, but, I was wrong, eventhough the weather is bad, I never anticipated that will a successful one as shown on the images below.
By the way, there is one booth at said the event that is quite interesting and I think it is also be one of the soon to be a popular culture in the future; Doujin games. People on that booth are offering free to play to anyone who will go to their booth and I reckon that that line is filling to try this game which some of the titles are not available on you local video game store - remember the Guilty Gear franchise? The Doujin game is quite similar to this platform. Here are some of the images of the said booth, I myself is trying to experience the game, unfortunately the line is full.
The 2012 Oh No Manga! showcased the Japanese music from famous Japanese artist and bands performed by our local bands who are into Japanese music.
Of course, one of the highlight of the event is the cosplay catwalk. Here are the videos that we covered on the event, hope you like it!
Once again, I have an opportunity to tagged along with Cosplayers Society; one of the cosplayer group in the Philippines that is growing in number of members, Cosplayers Society is managed and owned by Dave Perez. Here are some shots of Cosplayers Society with their members, I'd like to add their newest group, the Otaku Underground Society managed and owned by Hitokiri Battousai.
Besides tagging along with the group, I have also an opportunity to take pictures of cosplayers who attended the said event; please feel free to grab the pictures and don't forget to share the page to your friends who are also into cosplay culture. Hope you like it!
Also, I went with Dave to the D-Block to have photoshoot session with Flairy Loca and Shan Lee of Cosplayers Society, two of the most gorgeous members of Cosplayers Society, at the same time, two of the pretty faces in the Philippine cosplay scene. Here are some shots. Enjoy and feel free to grab the picture. Pictures were taken by Dave Perez and Arnold of Arnold Photogs.
Of course in every event there will be no wacky moments. Here are some shots that I think it is beyond normal. Hope you like it!
Photobomb ALERT!!
WEH... Beautiful Eyes?!
WUSHU... WAYS~WAYS (para-paraan) there oh... lol!!
I'll definitely stay out on this girl if I where you... look at her stance... think she is friendly?? Nah.. kidding there..
Her portfolio for the next coconut girl...
Another pose...
Another pose for the next cover girl of Cosmopolitan magazine...
I love to have that free hug from you but the problem is that I am holding the camera... wish I had another body...
Also here some shots of Gunpla toys that are exhibited at the said event, it was made by amateur modellers who are into Gundam modelling.
Here are more random shot at the event.
Hope to see you again folks on the next coplay event.
Photos by Dave Perez and Arnold of Arnold Photogs.
Models: Flairy Loca and Shan Lee of Cosplayers Society.
Camera man: Aljhon Morales(Supremo of Cosplayers Society)
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